

How quickly does VECTRA 3D begin to work?

Clinical studies have shown that dogs treated with the active ingredients in VECTRA 3D, flea feeding is reduced within five minutes and fleas are killed in the first hours - 6 hours for untreated dogs with flea infestations (therapeutic) and 2 hours for dogs that have been treated previously (residual).

VECTRA 3D is effective against ticks 48 hours after it has been applied. 

Onset of activity is also very rapid against flying insects.  VECTRA 3D repels sandflies, mosquitoes and biting flies from 24 h after administration. VECTRA 3D kills Stomoxys flies within 30 minutes and Aedes mosquitoes within 60 min of exposure to a treated dog.

What should I do if my dog exhibits unexpected signs after VECTRA 3D administration?

Ask your veterinarian for advice.

What if VECTRA Felis gets in contact with fabrics or house material?

VECTRA Felis can stain some susceptible fabrics and other materials.

This is why you should wait until the application site is dry before allowing your cat to come in contact with your sofa or other susceptible surfaces.

We also recommend administering VECTRA Felis outside or in a room where susceptible surfaces are not close to your cat.

Make sure that your cat does not shake himself after administration. If contact with material happens, immediately absorb as much as possible of the product with absorbent paper and clean.

How does VECTRA Felis kill fleas on my cat?

VECTRA Felis protects because of the double-action formula of dinotefuran and pyriproxifen.  These ingredients work together to kill fleas on contact.

How does VECTRA 3D kill fleas and ticks on my dog?

VECTRA 3D protects because of the triple-action formula of Dinotefuran, Pyriproxifen and Permethrin. These ingredients work together to kill fleas and ticks on contact and repel these dangerous parasites.

Once they land on your dog, the parasites come into contact with the treated skin and hairs. The more they move on the dog to find a location to bite, the more they are exposed to the active ingredients of VECTRA 3D and the

sooner they are affected.

In ticks, VECTRA 3D causes first a “hot foot” reaction. The sensors in the legs of these parasites are very sensitive to permethrin and make the parasite run off the dog (hot foot effect). They are physically compelled to crawl back up the fur, away from the skin, without biting.

In fleas, VECTRA 3D quickly disrupts the feeding behavior. Within 5 min after infestation and once the product has translocated, feeding is strongly reduced when compared to untreated dogs. Fleas are quickly knocked down and start falling off the animal without possible recovery, thanks to the synergy between dinotefuran and permethrin.

If VECTRA Felis get in my eyes or on my skin, what should I do?

In case of Human exposure to VECTRA Felis, have the product container or label with you when calling a poison center or doctor or going for treatment.

If in the eyes, hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove contact lenses.  Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

If swallowed, call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have a person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.

Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything to an unconscious person.

If on the skin, take off contaminated clothes. Rinse the skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes.

Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice.

If VECTRA 3D gets in my eyes or on my skin, what should I do?

If in the eyes, hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses. Contact your doctor for treatment advice.

If swallowed, call a doctor immediately for treatment advice.

If on the skin, take off contaminated clothes. Rinse the skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice.

What should I do if my dog licks itself?

Do not worry. VECTRA 3D has been shown to be safe when ingested at up to 5 times the maximum dose on young dogs. However, to optimize the duration of efficacy of VECTRA 3D, we recommend you to distract your dog after administration, while VECTRA 3D dries.

What should I do if my cat licks itself?

Do not worry.

VECTRA Felis has been shown to be safe when ingested at up to 4 times the maximum dose on young cats without adverse effect other than salivation and vomiting.

However, to optimize the duration of efficacy of VECTRA Felis, we recommend you to distract your cat after administration, while VECTRA Felis dries.

Is my cat at risk if I use VECTRA 3D on my dog?

To be at risk, your cat needs to ingest or be in contact with VECTRA 3D. This can occur if your cat grooms a treated dog and if the application site is not dry yet. To prevent oral exposure of your cat to VECTRA 3D, we recommend keeping treated dogs away from cats after treatment until the application site is dry. Cats should not be allowed to groom dogs at the application site until the product has dried. Seek veterinary advice immediately if this occurs.

Is it okay for my pet to bathe or swim after applying VECTRA 3D?

Yes. VECTRA 3D remains effective in controlling fleas and ticks for a full month if your pet is immersed in water through swimming or bathing. However, for full and sustainable efficacy and for the protection of the environment, it is preferred not to bath or immerse your dog in water until the application site is dry. This may take up to several hours but it is highly variable according to temperature and air exposure. In the studies performed in controlled conditions, the first bathing occurred 48 h after administration and was weekly repeated without reduction in efficacy against fleas or ticks. To protect the environment, we do not recommend that a treated dog enters surface water sources (rivers, streams, sea) for 48 hours after treatment to avoid adverse effects on aquatic organisms.

Is it okay for my pet to bathe or swim after applying VECTRA Felis?

This has not been tested. To ensure efficacy and to protect the environment, it is recommended not to bath or immerse your cat in water until the application site is dry.

Can VECTRA Felis be used on pets other than cats?

No. Do not use VECTRA Felis on any other animal.

Can VECTRA 3D be used on pets other than dogs?

No. Do not use VECTRA 3D on cats, or any other animal.

Do parasites have to bite in order for VECTRA 3D to work?

No. VECTRA 3D kills parasites when they come into contact with your pet’s fur.

Is it okay to apply VECTRA Felis more than once a month?

No, only apply VECTRA Felis once in a 30-day period.

Unless recommended by your veterinarian, it is not necessary for more frequent applications.

VECTRA Felis provides powerful protection against fleas for a full month.



Do parasites have to bite in order for VECTRA Felis to work?

No. VECTRA Felis kills parasites through contact with your pet's fur.  No biting necessary.

What age and body weight does my dog need to be before I can apply VECTRA 3D?

VECTRA 3D can be used on puppies as young as 7 weeks of age or > 1.5kg BW.

What age does my cat need to be before I can apply VECTRA Felis?

VECTRA Felis can be used on kittens as young as 7 weeks of age or at least 0.6kg.

Should I remove ticks I see on my dog before applying VECTRA 3D?

Yes. The sooner ticks are removed from your dog, the better and you prevent the transmission of pathogens to your dogs.  Use an appropriate tick removal device. Be sure to remove the entire body of the tick, including mouthparts. Once removed, destroy the tick.

Does VECTRA 3D control other parasites besides fleas and ticks?

Yes. VECTRA 3D is proven to protect your dog for a full month from other major vectors such as mosquitoes, sand flies and biting flies.

How quickly does VECTRA Felis begin to work?

Fleas are killed (>95%) within 2 hours

When is the best time for VECTRA Felis administration?

We advise you to administer VECTRA Felis at the end of the day.

What happens to the active ingredients once VECTRA 3D has been applied?

Following topical application of VECTRA 3D, the active ingredients move/translocate from the application site to cover the entire body surface within the first few hours and remain for a month. 

After topical application of VECTRA 3D, dinotefuran is partially absorbed through the dog’s skin leading to systemic exposure but this absorption into the body is not relevant for the efficacy.

Pyriproxyfen absorption from VECTRA 3D through the skin may also occur.

Permethrin from VECTRA 3D is not absorbed. In the pharmacokinetic study, the plasma levels remained systematically under the limit of quantification.

Why should I worry about immature fleas?

While immature fleas do not feed on the animals, they represent a large proportion of the flea population and will develop into new adults ready to feed on your pet.

Why should I worry about fleas on my cat?

Fleas are small parasites that feed on blood and multiply very quickly.  When they bite your cat, they can transmit dangerous diseases to your pet and to your family.

Is it okay to apply VECTRA 3D more than once a month?

No, only apply VECTRA 3D once in a 30-day period. It is not necessary for more frequent applications - VECTRA 3D provides powerful protection against fleas and ticks for a full month.

Can I brush my dog after applying VECTRA 3D?

Yes. VECTRA 3D remains effective after repeated combing of dogs. However, to reduce your own exposure to the actives, it is recommended not to brush or comb your dog until the application site is dry.

Can I brush my cat after applying VECTRA Felis?

Yes. VECTRA Felis remains effective after repeated combing of cats.

However, to reduce your own exposure to the actives, it is recommended not to brush or comb your cat until the application site is dry.

How does VECTRA 3D control immature stages of fleas?

Immature stages of fleas are hidden in the environment. Inside the house, they are mainly located where the pet sleeps. Flea eggs fall off the animal and develop into larvae. Flea larvae avoid light and live on flea dirt.

They move in random directions but not more than 30-50cm from where the eggs are dropped. Pyriproxyfen, is a highly potent insect growth regulator: it is active at a very low concentration. It disseminates from the treated dog (hairs, skin debris, dust, etc.) and disrupts the development of the immature stages of the fleas. This kills immature fleas, thus preventing emergence of new adults. As demonstrated (Bouhsira et al., 2012), it also sterilizes adult female fleas that are exposed to treated dogs, which prevents egg laying.

Are there possible interactions with other medicinal products?

No, there are no known interactions.

When is the best time for VECTRA 3D administration?

We advise that you administer VECTRA 3D at the end of the day or before taking your dog for a walk.

Once applied, VECTRA 3D translocates on the dog’s skin and this can lead to unusual sensations for your pet. If your animal is distracted or sleeping while this phenomenon takes place, this will make him more comfortable.

If applied in the evening, the product will have time to dry during the night, thus reducing the possibilities of human exposure.

Does VECTRA 3D control immature stages of fleas and ticks?

Yes. Immature stages of ticks are more susceptible to active ingredients than adult forms. They are easier to kill.

VECTRA 3D contains the Insect Growth Regulator pyriproxyfen. It makes VECTRA 3D truly effective against all immature stages of fleas for 2 months after administration.

What are the contraindications of VECTRA 3D?

VECTRA 3D is clearly contraindicated for cats. Due to their unique physiology and inability to metabolise permethrin, 

VECTRA 3D must not be used on cats. If applied to a cat, or if ingested by a cat that actively grooms a recently treated dog, VECTRA 3D may have serious harmful effects. If this occurs, contact your veterinarian immediately.

VECTRA 3D is also contraindicated in animals with known hypersensitivity to any of the active substances or to any of the excipients.

What if VECTRA 3D comes into contact with delicate fabrics or materials?

VECTRA 3D can stain some susceptible fabrics and other materials. We recommend administering VECTRA 3D outside or in a room away from susceptible surfaces. You should wait until the application site is dry before allowing your dog to come into contact with susceptible materials or surfaces. Make sure that your dog does not shake after administration. If VECTRA 3D does come into contact with delicate materials then use an absorbent cloth to remove as much of the product as possible before cleaning the surface appropriately.

If a cat is accidentally exposed to VECTRA 3D, what should I do?

If a cat is accidentally administered VECTRA 3D, or if it is exposed to VECTRA 3D from a treated dog the following is recommended:

If administered directly to a cat, bathe the cat with washing up liquid to remove any residual product. Dry the cat well and maintain body temperature. Seek veterinary advice immediately.