Only female mosquitoes feed on blood. They are mostly opportunistic and your dog is on the menu.
Bites from mosquitoes can also carry serious diseases, some being transmissible to humans.
Mosquitoes can transmit heartworm. This means that your dog should be protected with a veterinary approved mosquito repellent and a heartworm preventive medication targeting the immature heartworm larvae. Both are essential if spend time in or travel to a mosquito infested area.
VECTRA 3D repels mosquitoes on contact before they can bite.

Why your dog needs VECTRA 3D
VECTRA 3D repels mosquitoes that may transmit dirofilariasis, the causative agent of heartworm disease in dogs.
VECTRA 3D repels and prevents mosquitoes and stable flies from blood feeding on dogs.
VECTRA 3D is effective within 24 hours after administration and protects for 1 month against mosquitoes and stable flies.
VECTRA 3D is available in Canada through licensed veterinarians and select retailers.